
Photo by Mike Vitelli

Welcome to Canvas and Crumpets. My name is Chloe and I love breakfast. I like to approach my artistic endeavors the way I approach a delectable crumpet—with gleeful anticipation.

Art should make you excited! My art writing reflects my interest in feminist art and mystical themes, as well as my attraction to tangible materials, like paint and clay. I also write about jewelers and designers whose work brings me joy—unique materials and sparkly fabrics tend to do the trick. I’m always on the lookout for new artists to write about, so feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate.

Canvas and Crumpets is mainly a journalistic platform, but it’s constantly evolving. Soon I’ll be collaborating with artists to help sell affordable prints to my friends and contacts—sign up for my mailing list if that piques your interest. I also recently added a tab for film and television reviews, as my interests have become wider and more inter-disciplinary.

